VLF Series
Conventional Power Supply Design with Simple Analog Controls
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Features and Benefits
HVI manufactures the most portable and easiest to use VLF hipots available. Offering the largest selection in the industry (including CE marked models), voltage ratings range from 30 kV – 200 kV with load ratings from 0.4 µF – 50 µF. HVI has been the world’s leading source for VLF test equipment since 1998.
VLF hipots perform voltage withstand tests and provide the voltage source for diagnostic cable testing. There is no better method for verifying the AC integrity of a cable than applying VLF AC voltage. Tan delta and partial discharge measurement accessories are frequently purchased along with VLF equipment to extend their capabilities.
The VLF Series uses an oil-immersed, conventional power supply design protected under US Patent #6169406. These instruments are durable, economical, and easy to use.
0 – 65 kV AC
0 – 65 kV AC
0 – 90 kV AC
Automatic Data Logger
Additional Information
Contact HVI sales at 518-329-3275 or [email protected] for additional information about the VLF Series.